May 8, 2013

One Word Wednesday: Pink

It's spring!  This means more time to:
1. be outside
2. read books
3. grill
4. ride bikes
5. eat smores
6. BLOG!

I love my job as a teacher but it means that September through April is kinda crazy.  But with May comes the light at the end of the tunnel and more light in the day :)  I feel as though I have so much more energy to do a lot of the "things" I enjoy.

So, I'm jumping onto the One Word Wednesday band wagon.  This challenge allows individuals to think of one word throughout the week and try to photograph it.  Today's word is PINK!

My pink is just a little flowering bush in my backyard.  This past week when we were eating dinner outside, I noticed that it is finally in bloom!  After a looonngg winter, this beautiful bud is just screaming "SPRING IS HERE!"

Next week's word: project.

Happy One Word Wednesday to you!

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