9-So thankful for the talents of others. As a teacher, I am witness to the amazing abilities of my students all the time. So many kids are gifted athletes (I work out for about 30 minutes and then feel like I'm dying. . .), one kid yesterday came into class whistling a Christmas tune in perfect pitch (I can barely breathe out one little squeak), and last night we went to the high school musical where the actors blew me away with their gorgeous voices, witty personalities, and amazing skills (I had a hard time remembering my two lines in Footloose when I was in high school). So today, I am completely grateful for being able to enjoy the talents of others.
10-Grateful for time to get caught up on "stuff". It's been a busy week but I'm thankful for time this weekend to reconnect with family and friends, finish a book that is due back at the library on Monday, and get some laundry and cleaning done.
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