January 23, 2011

Best Birthday. . .EVER!

This past weekend I was able to celebrate my birthday with the entire family! It was the most perfect weekend ever. I reconnected with my favorite girls on Friday for a game night. Then Saturday we met up with my parents and brother and (soon-to-be) sil over in Dubuque, Iowa. We went to my favorite winery and just spent the entire day catching up, laughing, and eating. Can I day be any better? The weekend finished with a Packers win! This would have to be the best weekend I have had in ages. Don't you just love sitting down on a Sunday evening and reflecting back on a relaxing and fun weekend? Ah, there is not much better!

On another note, what is this game above? I use to play it all the time at my grandma's house but now cannot think of the name of the game. It has to be one of the most addicting activities ever. The best I have ever done is two pegs left. . .grr. What is the trick to only having one peg?


  1. Happy to hear your birthday was excellent!

    I know all too well that game's additction. I think in my city it was called "The Tricky Triangle" or something like that. My experience with it was while I waited tables at a local restaurant...I, too, was always stuck at two! One day I watched a five year old get it down to one....that's when I called it quits. :)

  2. YAY, you actually updated your blog! (And it only took me a month to figure it out...shame on me!). Speaking of birthdays though, did you every get my birthday postcard?
