July 10, 2010

Farmers Market Find

Beloit has one of the best farmers markets ever. It's the perfect size for a farmers market--two blocks lined on both sides with vendors and a side parking lot full of even more! The prices are right and all the vendors are within 30 miles of Beloit. I found these flowers today. . .for $5.00! I'll enjoy them while eating my yummy green beans, potatoes and corn on the cob! Ah, the joys of summer!


  1. Gorgeous blooms! I think we can agree that Wisconsin has the best farmer's markets around. :) Lucky us!

    Although, I suppose, with the winters Wisconsin throws us, it does owe us something.... :)

  2. Ha! Bethany, I would agree. I'm soaking up the sun (and heat. . . and humidity) and loving this summer!
