July 5, 2014

Book Review: Touch and Feel Farm

 This is little man's favorite book of the moment.  It's the first book that he's actually interacted with time and again!  Touch and Feel Farm is the perfect book for sensory, repetition, and early vocabulary development.  I just read that it is important for young ones to associate animals with the sounds they make.  This helps them learn different sounds and the animals associated with those sounds.  This book is fun. . .and extremely appropriate for infants. 
 Happy Reading!

May 20, 2014

Perfect Day

This was the longest winter. . .EVER!  Not only was there so much ice and snow and below zero temps, but it never seemed to stop.  Here we are, May 20 and I am in shorts (or short pants, as JD calls them) for the very first time!  

When I saw that the temperature was to reach 80 today, I knew I had to make use of the beautiful weather.

Today's agenda included:
1. Hang laundry on the clothes line
2. Make (and enjoy) sun tea (with lemon, of course)
3. Read the newspaper while the Young Mr. slept
4. Be happy